Wednesday, July 27, 2011

W is for Wow! and G is for Giveaway!

I got a big surprise yesterday when I checked on K is for Kindergarten.  My little piece of the World Wide Web found it's 200th follower, or should I say the 200th follower found K is for Kindergarten!

I've been writing this blog for a few years now. It really just began as a place to put into writing my thoughts and feelings about my family and stories about teaching. I never thought it would be of any interest to anyone but myself. I've always loved to write and for me it's therapeutic.

But my little blog evolved like most things do if you plug away at them long enough. I know as a parent I've come a long way from those first few scary days with an infant to being a confident mom of three.
As a teacher I am always evolving, finding new methods, new ways to reach and connect with my kids.

K as for Kindergarten has evolved into a place where I share ideas, both my own and those great ones I find from reading other teaching blogs. There is an enormous amount of information out there, just there for the taking!
Some of my favorite posts are still those where I can tell a funny story or two. Kindergarten kids say and do the funniest things. Sometimes the things I write about are heartwarming, sometimes heartbreaking, but if I'm going to write "stories from the trenches" I have to include it all.

One of the most amazing things about writing this blog is being able to witness where you are all arriving from. Knowing I was nearing 200 followers I started really paying attention. Within the last two weeks I've had visitors from 47 states, (Not sure what's going on with the other three!) Washington D.C, and 50 different countries. That's mind boggling to me that people on the other side of the planet are reading my words!

Yes, there are blogs out there that pull in many more readers than I do, but I'm pretty proud of my 200. There have been some milestones along the way that I'm pretty proud of too...the most recent being named one of the 50 Top Kindergarten Bloggers!

The awards and accolades are nice, but seeing that follower list increase is really what it's all about. Each and everyone of those names in that list has helped Fill my Bucket just because they checked in and liked what they saw!

So in the spirit of Bucket Filling and to celebrate K is for Kindergarten's 200th follower, I'm going to have a little (very little) giveaway! I will send a copy of Have You Filled A Bucket Today by
Carol Mc Cloud to one of you!

Just fill out this form: K is for Kindergarten Fill My Bucket Giveaway

Good Luck...and thanks for reading!