Friday, July 25, 2008

21 years ago today...

I was walking down the aisle. Happy Anniversary to me and Mr!
 It really has been a pretty great 21 years. We've had our up and downs, but so far the ups far out weigh the downs. We've been through a miscarriage, 3 babies boys, graduations, birthdays, deaths, family issues, etc, but we always come out the other side having learned something about ourselves and each other.

We've been as far away from each other as 3000 miles and as close as...well, you know.
It may be cliche, but we really are each other's best friend. I can't imagine knowing anyone as well as I know him. He makes me laugh everyday, even when I'm so mad at him I could spit nails. And I know despite how moody I can be sometimes he still loves me. 
We are usually on the same page when it comes to the kids even though they may not agree. Sure, we have our issues, what married couple likes each other 100% of the time? But, disagreements are usually short lived, we get over it and move on. We're nicely balanced.
We managed to spend the whole day together...alone, sans kids. We dropped Little off at S.N.A.K.E. camp today and off we went. Large and Medium decided not to "hang" with  us today..."gee, are ya sure????" 
We had a lovely day lounging on the beach. We people watched, had lunch, went for leisurely walk and talked. I mean REAL conversations that didn't revolve around soccer or bills or school or work. It was kinda nice.
So 21 years went by pretty darn just occurred to me that 21 years is half my age! 
I'm hoping for many more.

1 comment:

  1. Very sweet. My husband and I have been married 23 years now. Thanks for stopping by 2nd Cup and commenting. That really means a lot.


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