Saturday, August 9, 2008

Attention Blog Readers!

If you're like me you want people to read your blog. I mean what's the point otherwise?
Yeah, I like to get my thoughts (as random as they are) out on virtual paper, it helps get rid of the clutter, but I want others to get a chuckle too!
Some bloggers profit financially from their blogs so in order to spread the blogging word, a very smart blogger came up with great idea "Blog the Recession". See that cute little pig down on the right of my blog? Click on him, follow the link and read how to add him to your blog.
Then go about your business clicking on the blogs you read and read the blogs in their blog rolls and so on, and so on, and so on.Spread the word, Read some new stuff, Get your feet wet, Click the Pig!


  1. I didn't quite get it at first either. But Kristen explains it much better than I did. I really just want people to read my blog and I thought the pig was adorable. So I figure if some people will benefit financially from the pig, then I can add it to the blog.

  2. I also joined Blog the Recession. It has been a lot of fun and a perk is finding great new blogs to frequent.

  3. Hello! I am here to blog the recession! So very cool that you are a kindergarten teacher! My son starts K. on Monday. Tell me he will be ok. Tell me not to be one of "those" moms! ;) Great to read your blog.


Hey! Leave me a comment and let me know you were here!