Thursday, December 11, 2008

L my name is Lisa

It's always fun to see a child's reaction when they see their teacher out and about, in the grocery store, at the bank, and around the neighborhood. It was adorable Halloween night when a child from school rang the bell and I answered the door. The look on her face was priceless!
Even better than that is when a child finds out his teacher's first name. They are suddenly the cool kid, the kid that's finally got the goods. The kid that has THE secret and is about to become the prince of the playground because he's going to spill the secret to every kid he knows!

It happened today. My paraprofessional called me by my first name in front of one of the kids and he jumped on it. 
"What did you just call her?"
"I called her by her first name."
"I heard you say Lisa, you called her Lisa. Her first name is Lisa!"
"Yes, but the respectful thing to do is call her Miss C."
"Her first name is Lisa, Hey guys, Mrs. C's first name is Lisa!"

So I gathered them together and admitted it. He had me. What else could I do? I couldn't lie, I stress honesty and I have to stand by it.

So, I managed to move on and turn their attention to my highly dramatic reading of The Gingerbread Baby. We got through the rest of our day without much issue. I thought the incident was over and done with until...

the end of the day as I was dismissing the kids to their parents the newly crowned prince turned to me and said..."Good-bye Lisa." 

He got me and he got me good.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, kids knowing the teachers name or where they live is a big thing!

    And I can remeber being a kid and when I saw my teacher out in public, I was just dumbfounded, because teachers just stay at school all day and nite..haha


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