Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Kindergarten by the Numbers Part 2

I am 2 days removed from Christmas break, I now have
18 children in my class. 11 boys, 7 girls. 
1 set of twins who I still have a hard time telling apart.
I arrived at school at 7:00 and left at 2:45.
We just completed day number 74 of our kindergarten year, 106 left to go.
Our school day is 6 hours long.
We have had 1 snow day and 1, 2-hour delayed opening.
Today I tied 12 shoes,
applied 1 band-aid.
opened 1 box of tissues and one bottle of Purel,
watered 4 plants,
chased 2 children down the hall and
Filled 18 folders with 2 notices from the office.
I read 2 books, watched 1 movie.
I taught 18 children how to count by 10's, how to build words with the short "a" sound, how to say please and thank you, how to apologize to a friend, how to read a thermometer and the meaning of the word "superb".
I zipped 5 jackets, helped with 6 mittens and 4 backpacks,
 gave more hugs than I can count and there are only...
26 more school days until February vacation!


  1. sounds like you didn't get quite enough rest on Christmas break

  2. Can we trade jobs for one day?

  3. February vacation? Whats that? I dont see vacation until April for spring Break.


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