Sunday, June 6, 2010

T is for Teacher

This has been an emotional week for me. I've felt every emotion possible. Fear, worry, doubt, hope, sadness, joy, elation, relief and pride.
Mikey graduated from high school on Friday. There was a lot of doubt as to whether or not he would even get to graduation much less through the ceremony, but he did it!
He was fighting a virus this week, and it was a doozy...spinal taps, CT scans, procedures...but he powered through it and walked across that stage to receive his diploma after 4 years of hard work.

As I stood watching him walk in during the procession I was relieved to see a smile on his face and I instantly felt the tears in my eyes, so proud of the young man he has become. Once he took his seat I couldn't take my eyes off of him, watching every move making sure he was okay. As each speaker rose to the podium, my mind started to wander.
I was thinking of all the teachers he's had a long the way, the ones that have made the biggest impression on him. Those from elementary school, middle school and high school who inspired him to reach a little higher. The ones who showed him through their passion for what they do, what dedication and hard work can accomplish.

I am lucky enough to call some of them my friends and colleagues. So Andy, Tricia, Judy and Linda, I want to say thank you, not just for being Mikey's teachers but for what you do each and every day to make the world a little bit better one student at a time.

It is because of you, and the impression that each of you in your own special way has made on him, that he has decided to become a teacher himself.

I couldn't be more proud.

Much Love,


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