Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I'm pretty proud to be able to call myself a teacher and even more so to be able to call myself a kindergarten teacher. Not everyone understands how difficult a job teaching kindergarten can be. 

I don't mean to diminish what other teachers do because I know how hard they work. I see it everyday. The planning, the patience, the paperwork and the preparation. The planning of field trips, differentiating instruction, notes to parents, meetings to attend. The school day begins long before the kids arrive and ends long after the kids go home, and more often than not we are working at home too because there are just  not enough hours in a day.

I am not complaining. I love my job. We don't do it for the money or the summers off. We do it because we love kids and it's pretty reassuring to know that we are making a difference in the lives of children.

Even though we know in our hearts we are making a difference sometimes we just need to hear it. Just as we let the kids in our class know when they are doing a good job, sometimes grownups need to know it too.
For  teachers it might come in a note from a grateful parent, a good review from a principal, another teacher, or the best thank you of all...the smile on a child's face.

I'm also really proud of this blog. My own little spot on The World Wide Web. I write from the heart, which is why I don't post as often as I might otherwise. I am thrilled with every new follower both here and on K is for Kindergarten's Facebook Page, and every little comment left. 

Today I received an email message from congratulating me on K is for Kindergarten being named as one of their Top Teacher Blogs! I don't receive any actual "prize" for this distinction, but I do get to post a little badge on my blog page. Which is really enough for me, because sometimes all you really need is someone to say,

"Congratulations, you did good."


  1. Congratulations!!!! That is super fantastic news and very well deserved! Bravo!

  2. Good Job, Lisa!!!
    We're proud of you!

  3. Good for you Lisa. I am very proud of you and of the things you have accomplished.

  4. Teaching kindergarten has to be tough. These kids do not have an idea yet of what school is expecting from them and what to do. You set the mold that they will follow the rest of the time they are going to school.

  5. In this day and time a "pat on the back" goes a long way! As kindergarten teachers we deserve a lot more, but like the little folks we teach we appreciate the small things. You go girl!


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