Monday, May 16, 2011

C is for Carle

Eric Carle of course! C is also for caterpillar, cocoon and chrysalis! For the past week or so we've been reading and doing activities surrounding The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. It's amazing to me that this book, first published in 1969 is probably one of the most widely used picture books in any kindergarten classroom.
It lends itself to so many different lessons, the days of the week, art, author study, nutrition and of course the life cycle of the butterfly.

The kids love the colorful artwork and the funny adventures of the caterpillar as he eats through some of their favorite foods.
Since our caterpillars will be arriving by week's end, I thought it would be a good time to pull out "Caterpillar".
I started by introducing some of the vocabulary. I chose words that they would be using in the writing activities I had planned for them. We placed the words and corresponding illustrations onto a portable word wall which I created from a tri-fold project board. I trimmed it so I was only using 2/3 of the board, which makes it much easier to transport from center to center as needed.
During the week, I read the story a number of times and also provided multiple copies for children to choose during quiet reading. Because the story has predictable and easily remembered text, even the lowest ability readers can feel successful.

During our computer lab time, I pulled up a slide show of Eric Carle creating some of his art work.
When we got back to our classroom, we jumped right in creating some masterpieces of our own!
First we drew and added details with crayons.
Then brushed watered down school glue over the tissue paper on our drawings.

And got some very nice results!

They really added pizazz to our new bulletin board. I love the way this brightens up the room!
And the kids think having a caterpillar in the room is pretty cool!


  1. I love the tissue paper artwork! I will have to add this to our unit next year. We finished our unit in April. If you check out my blog, I have a Readers Theater script there and some songs for "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." That is if you are interested. We did the Readers Theater as part of our orientation for the Pre-K classes to come tour our school and learn what kindergarten is about. We chose the story because last summer we had an artist make murals in the school from the book "The Very Hungry Caterpillar."
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Bummer, I just did this last week! I saved a picture of it though (hope that's ok) it's so cute!!! :)

    Little Miss Glamour Goes to Kindergarten

  3. I am doing my butterfly unit this week. I love the tissue art and caterpillar bulletin - definitely doing it with my students! :)


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