Thursday, June 23, 2011

B is for Behavior

It is June 23rd and we are still in school. Still trying to move children along, still trying to keep them busy and engaged. Still trying to keep the fun in learning while still trying to teach them to negotiate, share, be empathetic, kind and caring and generally teaching them how to be good people! It is not an easy task when the school year has gone on longer than it should.

Snow days are fun when they happen, but not so much fun when our school year is extended by six long, hot, sticky humid days. Tensions are running high. There's bickering, name calling, and general unkindness. There's little sharing going on and a lot of tattling and venting.

It's so obvious in my kindergarten classroom where the kids have spent a long year together. Those cherubs who were once the best of friends are not very tolerant of one another and in many ways have become a lot more like siblings than friends. They are competing for my attention more than ever.

The behaviors that we worked so hard to keep at bay all year long are coming out again. It's time for a much needed break and some summer fun.

We've had a stressful year, full of changes, some good, some controversial, some that are hard to swallow and sadly because of it, a lot of the grownups in my school, myself included are not behaving very well either and we then wonder why so many of our kids are having trouble too. The fact is, even the best of friends need a break from each other and teachers are no exception.

Saying good-bye is never easy, and I'm torn between hating to say good-bye to friends that I love and care about, but also knowing that we really need that break from each other too. We need time away to learn to be empathetic, kind, caring and tolerant of each other again, and just learn to be good people  because if we expect it of our students, we need to expect it of ourselves.

Just be good people...just be good.


  1. Lisa...

    Tonight instead of tears (as we earlier talked about),
    I came home with very very warm memories. Once again,
    I was reminded of what a tremendous group of friends
    I work with each day! Yes, there may still be some tears
    and frustrations, but if we only look around and keep smiling, the flowers in the garden won't need to be weeded so often! Thanks for helping to make Mary's
    retirement a much needed awaking for us all!

    Elisa :)

  2. Lisa-
    Perfectly said...your words ring true to what is happening in my class. It has been a long and at times a difficult year. We all need a break to recharge.We do have a special group but it is time for a break.

  3. Lisa--What an elegantly written and insightful post! To you and all our other wonderful friends at Horace Mann...I wish I could wave my magic wand and make time go faster for you all. You work so hard and really need that nice battery recharging break. Hang in there, just a few more days!!! Sending you all warm thoughts...


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