Sunday, October 7, 2012

Apples, Pigs and Poetry!

Wow! It's been a long time between blog posts! The only excuse I have is...I've been busy! It's time consuming setting up a classroom, sending two boys off to college, running a middle schooler here, there and everywhere, not to mention planning lessons, cooking dinners, etc, etc, etc! Is it any wonder I've had no time to blog?

Okay, enough with the excuses, time to get back at it.

The new year is in full swing and we've been busy! We spent the first few weeks getting to know each other, learning rules, talking about our hopes and dreams and of course learning! It's what we do.

Some of my favorite kindergarten themes happen in the fall, from apples, farm animals and pumpkins there is so much learning and fun involved with these activities it would be impossible for me to include them all. Here are a few of my favorites.

Ten Apples Up On Top!

Ten Apples up on Top by Theo. LeSieg (a.k.a. Dr. Seuss) is one of my class' favorite books. This is such a simple follow up activity, perfect for the beginning of the year. Perfect after a Guided Discover on the proper use of a glue stick and a good lesson in one to one correspondence!

 Piggy Poetry

We just finished up our farm animal unit with our first field trip to the local fair. I am surprised every year at how limited the kids' experiences are with these animals that were so much a part of my growing up. I often have to explain to them that bunnies don't lay eggs, and that poop comes in all shapes, sizes...and smells! There is always that one little boy or girl that is afraid of the cows, not understanding that a cow is probably one of the most gentle animals on the planet. 
The kids always love the pigs the best, each year some farmer has the foresight to plan the birth of piglets just in time for the fair. This year we got to see seven baby pigs, almost cute enough to take least until you realize how big those little things actually get.
We created some adorable piglets of our own to go along with our muddy poetry.


Next up...All things Pumpkin!

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