Thursday, January 31, 2008

C is for Community

I have decided I live in a pretty great place. Yes, it has it's usual urban issues, but when necessary people really come together. 
In my last post I wrote of our Public School's financial woes. Teachers and support staff were being let go mid-year. Classrooms were in an uproar. Some communities would sit idly by and watch it happen...but not this one.
Parents began to rally, businesses began to donate, people were angry that this could have happened and it was going to hurt children. Last I checked over $300,000 dollars has been raised and because of this grass roots effort the state of Massachusetts decided it would provide the means for our city to borrow up to $100,000,000 more to save teacher's jobs. 
All 29 teacher's who were laid off have been placed back into the classroom. Parent's raised enough money to put all the elementary school librarians back into their libraries. Music teachers have been put back in front of their pianos and children are able to have art classes again. It's been amazing to watch.
People really do care what happens in our public schools. It's a beautiful thing.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

What a wonderful sense of community! That's a phenomenal show of support.
Our PTA has raised 25 to 35 thousand the past 4 years in a row to partially cover our part time librarian as well as field trips and supplies.