Tuesday, February 5, 2008

S is for Sports

I'm lucky enough to live in New England. I say that for many reasons. I love the change of seasons, there is nothing like a sweltering humid summer by the sea side, the brilliant, fiery colors of autumn, the beauty and sparkle of newly fallen snow, and the wonderful awakening in spring after a long and cold winter.
Nature's great, Lord knows I love nature, but the best part about living in New England? You got it...sports.
1. The Patriots...yes, they lost (ouch) the Super Bowl, but no other team has had such a long undefeated season. True, they tanked at the end, they put their hearts and souls into that wonderful season and when push came to shove they had nothing left to give. We in New England love them anyway. Seriously, how could you not love the gray hoodie and then there's Tom Brady. He's the Golden Boy and Eli with all his boyish charm, does not even compare. I am happy for Eli, finally out of his brother's shadow. But Tommy, oh Tommy.
 2. The Celtics and the new Big Three. There will never be another Parish, McHale and Bird, but the trio of Pierce, Garnett and Allen...not too shabby. Since the glory days back in the 80's the Celtics have been woeful at best, but they're exciting to watch again. I know Red is enjoying this.
3. We even have college sports, The Bean Pot hockey tournament, The B.C. Eagles...I could go on.
For me, all those above mentioned sports are just what keeps me busy in between baseball seasons. So, I've saved the best for last.
4. The Boston Red Sox. The Boys of Summer. The Old Town Team. WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONS!!! Again. 
I can't even express what this team means to us around here. They are as much a part of the history of Boston as Paul Revere. 
The 86 year drought ended in 2004 with the greatest sports come back in sports history. Of course, they're wouldn't have been a "greatest comeback" if they're hadn't been the biggest choke in sport's history. That honor belongs to the new york yankees. (Note the lower case letters). 
I have an unhealthy hatred of the y's. Seriously, I sometimes wonder if I need help with this. I once had a child in my kindergarten class walk in wearing a yankees jersey and y's cap. Thank goodness for the "no hats in school" rule. 
The jersey though, that was tough to over look. The one saving grace...it had the name "Jeter" on the back. I'm not by any means a fan of Derek, but I can respect him. Rodriguez on that jersery? It would have been toast.
So here we are 10 or so days away from pitchers and catchers reporting to spring training. Baseball is right around the corner. It's all good.


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