Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snowmen at Night

We've seen more than our share of snow this winter and because of that we've had more than our share of snow days!
All that snow leads to some great opportunities for some fun read alouds and activities.
One of my class' favorite books is Snowmen at Night written by Caralyn Buehner and illustrated by Mark Buehner.

They've asked for this book more than once, it is a nicely illustrated story with rhyming text. Since I love reading rhyme out loud I'm more than happy to oblige.

I read it for the first time on Monday, following the reading I gave a quick snowman drawing lesson. Some of my kids are in such a hurry to finish everything and move on I really wanted to stress that I wanted details, details details.
After my quick lesson I sent them off, paper in hand and I was pretty happy with the results. They put a lot of thought into their snowmen!

Then it happened...we got hit with yet another snowstorm which gave us two more snow days. It's so hard to get any momentum going when we are constantly being interrupted by weather!
So when we were finally back at it today I thought I'd revisit the story, but this time, I turned it into a writing activity.

I gave them this writing prompt and asked them to really use their imagination.

I think they did a great job but I'll let you decide!

Likes to eat ice cream and play soccer. And make friends.

...likes to play snowfights and snow football...

...likes to eat snow with maple syrup.

Goes to a wedding and the snowball silly games.

...likes to play in the pool.

...likes to dance and sing.


Ms.M said...

Very cute. I did the same thing with my students a little while ago. I posted it on my blog too if you wanted to look at it.

Ms. M

Danielle said...

Your display turned out so sweet! I really like the lights to go along with the story! Great job!


Shauna said...

Great idea! My kids love this book and I love writing prompts. I think it is so much fun to see what children will write when they use their imagination.

Anonymous said...

Like the idea, very cute