Friday, March 4, 2011

S is for Seuss Part 2!

Today we said good-bye to Dr. Seuss week with a Green Eggs and Ham lesson.

I'm pretty sure by now I can recite this book from memory but I still enjoy reading it. Even though most kids have heard it quite a few times in their five short years they still sit quietly as I read each page and rhyming word.

I started the lesson with a question...

Do You Like Green Eggs and Ham? 

I gave each child a green fried egg with their name on it and asked them to place it on the graph. As you can see, we only had a few hold outs. I was surprised to be honest, because eggs?!?

Then I settled them down for the book. As I read each page I gave them the opportunity to finish the rhymes for me. It's a great way to assess their rhyming ability and it keeps them engaged too.

After the book we had a quick discussion about lessons learned.
Me: "Have you ever thought you wouldn't like something and then you tried it then realized it was   really good?"
I got some really great answers!

"Pepperoni Pizza"

Then I pulled out a surprise. My version of Green Eggs and Ham.
In the past I've made actually green eggs and ham, but this year I have a child with an egg allergy, so I went with a safer version.
So easy! So tasty!

A close up!
These were so quick and easy to make. I melted some white chocolate chips in the microwave then plopped some onto two pretzels to represent the bacon (ham) and added a green m&m to finish off the egg. They were a huge hit!
This is what our graph looked like after sampling my green eggs and ham!

Good-bye Dr. Seuss...until next year!


Vodka Mom said...

That is awesome! I used a plate with cool whip, a big blob of mint chocolate chip ice cream and a graham cracker for ours!!

But I LOVE your graph!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

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Jackie Higgins said...

I love your green eggs and ham. In fact, I decided I can't wait for Seuss's birthday next year to try it so we are going to make them for st. pat's day! I will bookmark this page for next year though because you had great ideas. Thanks so much for sharing them!