Wednesday, March 23, 2011

W is for Weather

This week is all about weather in kindergarten. First up...wind!
I started the lesson checking on their prior knowledge by asking them for some weather facts.

Once again I was so impressed with all they already knew. I wrote their windy facts on chart paper and we review them each day.

Once we collected our windy facts, I read a story by Pat Hutchins titled The Wind Blew.

Then we tried a windy experiment. We wanted to find out how far wind can move things.

I gathered my materials: A feather, some plastic straws, some masking tape and a permanent marker.

I placed a piece of tape on the floor to mark our starting spot, then gave each child a turn blowing their feather as far as they could. Once the feather landed, I marked that spot with a piece of masking tape.

The following day, we measured our distances with unifix cubes and recorded them on chart paper.

The kids had a great time and learned a little something about air movement and wind.

The measurement piece added some math concepts, estimation, measurement, and addition and subtraction.

Next up...Rain!


Mrs.S said...

Hi! I love your blog, and we are about to start a unit on weather this week, so I will probably be using some of your great ideas! I am also awarding you the Stylish Blogger Award! Please link back to my blog for the rules and the blog award image!

Anonymous said...

I knocked my TAP observer out this week with this lesson! It totally blew her away. Thanks so much, and oh I forgot...the kids loved it too! They loved it, loved it, loved it! Thank you so much!

Cheap Essays said...

I love your blog, and we are about to start a unit on weather this week, so I will probably be using some of your great ideas! Thanks for the great shearing. i really enjoyed it.

Bri said...

This is great! I'm going to use these ideas for our weather unit next year! LOVE IT!
