Thursday, March 25, 2010

Where in the World?

Sometimes during our morning meeting I ask the kids a "thinking question".
Some of the answers I get take a lot of thought and consideration, but most of the answers to my questions are spur of the moment, off the cuff, first thing on my mind answers. Those are the best and of course the funniest.

Yesterday's question was, "If you could take a trip anywhere in the whole wide world, where would you go?"

Margaret: "I would go to Paris. That's in France you know."
Me: "Wow, I'd like to go to Paris. How do you think you'd get to Paris?"
Margaret: "I would take a horse."
Me: "A horse! Paris is across the Atlantic Ocean, I don't think you could get to Paris on a horse."
Margaret: "Well my horse can fly."
Me: "Well there you go. Be sure to send me a post card."

After Margaret's answer it became very apparent that the geographic experience among my cherubs is very limited.

Kara: "I would go to the bottle store."
Me: "The bottle store?"
Kara: "Yeah, I go there with my daddy sometimes."

I was just a little afraid to delve deeper into that answer.

Among the other answers were, The Willows, Dane Street Beach, Water Country, Coco Key and Chuck E Cheese. Not exactly the answers I was looking for. I was sure to stress the words, anywhere in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD but it didn't seem to make a difference.
However, despite the inexperience one of my favorite answers came from Jackson.

Jackson: "I would go to the Cheesecake Factory." (Now he had my attention!)
Me: "Ooh Jack, I love that place. Why would you go there?"
Jackson: "Well my daddy works there."
Me: "What do you eat when you go there?"
Jackson: "You know silly, cheesecake!"
Me: "Does your daddy make the cheesecake?"
Jackson: "No, he's one of those guys that just walks around and talks to people. But sometimes he uses that computer thingy too."
Me: "I see. How do you get to the Cheesecake factory? Would you take a plane?"
Jackson: (Rolling his eyes) "He doesn't work at the one that far away and he doesn't work at the one near here, he works at the one somewhere in the middle."
Me:" So you don't need a plane to get there then."
Jackson: "No, you just need the highway and a car."
Me: "Gotcha. So maybe you can hook me up with some cheesecake then?"
Jackson: "I'll see what I can do."

So now the wheels in my head are am I going to teach these little travelers that there is more to this world than the 20 mile radius encircling our city? I think I have an idea. I still have some details to iron out, but once I do, I'm going to need the help of some eager kindergarten teachers around the country.

Stay tuned!


  1. Ha ha! Hilarious. I had a kid in my class (first grade) tell me that the Cheesecake Factory is where they make all the cheesecake and the Spaghetti Factory is where they make all the spaghetti.

  2. How endearing! I too am amazed at the things my kids (1st graders) come up with. This is awesome...thinking question. I am going to try this after spring break!

    Thank you!


  3. Sign me up. Or keep me in mind... :)


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