Monday, April 5, 2010

T is for Travel

Meet Miss Bindergarten, created by Joseph Slate and Ashley Wolff. Most kindergarten teachers not only know her, but identify with her. In my class we read her books all through the year starting with Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten.

Miss Bindergarten, at least the doll version lives in my classroom. She sits on top of my easel, keeping watch on all that goes on. 
In my last post I mentioned that the wheels in my head were spinning. Realizing the limits of my kindergarteners geographic knowledge, I have been trying to come up with a way to take them on a field trip of sorts, to teach them a little bit about the country and maybe even the world they live in. 

I have decided it's time for Miss Bindergarten to go on a trip. A trip to visit other kindergarten classrooms across the country. I'm still working out the details, collecting a few trinkets for her to bring with her, a travel journal, a map to chart her travels, a disposable camera to take pictures of her new friends and the places she visits,  a passport and a few of her favorite books.

In order for her trip to be successful she's going to need the help of some very eager and willing kindergarten teachers. These teachers must be willing to treat Mrs. Bindergarten kindly, help her with her journal and picture taking duties, and send her on to her next destination when her visit with you is over. 

If you are willing to host Miss Bindergarten or would just like a little more info, just send me an email at with "Miss Bindergarten" in the subject line, and I'll be sure to add you to her itinerary. 
I'm excited to see how far Mrs. Bindergarten can travel before our school year ends in June!

Thanks for your help!

1 comment:

  1. does your class skype? I teach kindergarten and we are trying to set up with classes around the world to talk using our webcam and skype. already talked to a class in panama. i am on twitter. patty mcnichol


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