How to get to Sesame Street?
I am disillusioned. The school in which I teach is located on the campus of our local college. We were invited by the music department to come and listen to a special program just for us. They performed a musical rendition of the story Zin! Zin! Zin! a Violin by Lloyd Moss. It was so great. The kids got to hear each instrument that was featured in the story, then as they joined together to form an orchestra we all got to hear a little Mozart. Most of these kids will never get to see a live orchestra play, so it's nice the college invites us to these things.
As the flutist was introduced, she came on stage playing the theme song to Sesame Street. "Come and play, everything's A-okay...On my way to where the air is sweeeeettttt...". The conductor asked the kids in the audience what the song was. Not one kindergarten kid knew that song was from Sesame Street. Not one.
The following day it was pouring rain which meant indoor recess. We usually pop in a DVD on rainy days and we chose Sesame Street Halloween. Full of cute furry monsters, sure to capture their attention. Nope. Not the least bit interested.
One of my cherubs said to me,
"Mrs. C., that guy with the yellow pointy head is kinda weird."
"Do you mean Burt?"
"Who's Burt?"
"You know Christopher, Ernie and Burt."
"Oh, that's his name. He's weird."
He really didn't know who Burt was. What 5 year-old doesn't know Ernie and Burt?
Then I remembered a conversation I had with another child a few days earlier. He told me he thought the show Family Guy was really funny. If you've never seen this show, you know how edgy it is. Over the top edgy and completely inappropriate for a child of 13 never mind a 5 year-old.
It make me want to send out a letter.
Dear Parents,
Just because a show is animated does not mean it's appropriate for child viewing!!!
Your Child's Teacher.
I'm off now to get a good dose of Elmo's World.